"A Global Call to Action: Combating Breast Cancer Together"


Breast cancer continues to be a serious worldwide health issue, impacting millions of women and their families annually. This inconspicuous illness has no regard for race, age, or socioeconomic standing. Approximately 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer were detected in 2020 alone, making it the most widespread cancer among women globally (WHO).

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, breast cancer is a significant public health issue as it has the highest number of reported cases of cancer among Asian countries as reported by GCO. A recent joint statement published by one of the leading tertiary care hospitals (SKMCH’S) and a cancer-managing global agency (Pink Ribbon) stated that 1 in 9 women is at risk of this deadly disease and 109 women die every 24 hours due to breast cancer every day with over 40,000 deaths and 90,000 new cases annually.  Tragically, many cases in Pakistan are diagnosed at an advanced stage, reducing treatment options and survival rates.

Breast Cancer and the Sustainable Development Goals (SD Goals) of the United Nations

17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been laid out by the UN to resolve global issues and enhance the quality of life for all people. Healthy societies are necessary to achieve these objectives, and the battle against breast cancer is linked to multiple SDGs:

  1. Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3):In Pakistan, access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge, particularly for marginalized communities. To address this, the government should invest in healthcare infrastructure, train more healthcare professionals, and ensure that essential breast cancer screening and treatment services are available in both urban and rural areas. Mobile screening units and tele-medicine services can help bridge the gap in undeserved regions.The strategies are critical in reducing mortality rates and promoting overall health and well-being.  
  2. Gender Equality (SDG 5): Breast cancer predominantly affects women. Promoting breast health and ensuring access to healthcare services contribute to gender equity and empowerment. Gender-based disparities in Pakistan are still prevalent. Promoting gender equality by empowering women to take charge of their health through education and awareness campaigns is essential. Pakistan should actively support programs that encourage women's participation in healthcare decision-making, improving their overall quality of life.  
  3.  Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10): Socio-economic factors can impact the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. These factors contribute to disparities in breast cancer outcomes. Pakistan should focus on reducing these inequalities by subsidizing healthcare costs for low-income families, offering affordable breast cancer screening and treatment options, and implementing outreach programs to educate marginalized populations about breast health.  
  4. Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17): Collaborations between the government, non-governmental organizations, and international partners are vital to combat breast cancer effectively. Pakistan should encourage public-private partnerships and international collaborations to mobilize resources for breast cancer research, awareness, and treatment. This would enable the country to leverage the expertise and resources of various stakeholders.

Measures Taken by Pakistan

  •  National Breast Cancer Screening Programs: Pakistan has initiated efforts to provide mammography and clinical breast exams to women, especially in urban areas, to promote early detection.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: The government, along with various NGOs, has launched public awareness campaigns to educate women about breast cancer, self-examinations, and the importance of early detection.
  • Support for Breast Cancer Research: Collaboration between institutions and researchers is growing. This has led to an improved understanding of the disease and potential treatment advancements.

Measures Pakistan Should Take

  • Rural Outreach Programs: Expanding breast cancer screening and education programs to rural and remote areas will help ensure that no woman is left behind in the fight against breast cancer.
  •  Health Insurance and Financial Support: Pakistan can develop financial assistance programs or health insurance schemes to make breast cancer treatment affordable for all segments of the population, reducing disparities in access to care.
  • Collaboration with International Organizations: Engaging with international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, to access global expertise and resources can strengthen Pakistan's breast cancer response.
  • Research and Innovation: Increasing investment in research by the government and private sector can yield groundbreaking insights into breast cancer prevention and treatment. This research can contribute to better outcomes in Pakistan and the global understanding of breast cancer.

The Role of Awareness

Spreading awareness among people about breast cancer is the first line of prevention. Early detection and better results can result from educating women on the significance of self-breast checks, routine mammography, and the warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Furthermore, it supports UN SDG 5 (Gender Equality) by giving women the power to take charge of their health and well-being.

Access to Healthcare

Another critical component of managing breast cancer involves ensuring access to affordably priced, high-quality medical care. Increasing survival rates requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Pakistan can move closer to accomplishing UN SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities) by focusing on addressing this issue.

Research and Innovation

Supporting cancer-related research and innovation is essential to increasing our knowledge of the condition, expanding our options for treatment, and eventually lowering the disease's global impact. The financing of research projects and the advancement of knowledge exchange in the global fight against breast cancer depend heavily on collaborations and partnerships (SDG 17).

As, Pakistan has achieved considerable progress in addressing breast cancer, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it must continue to strive to increase healthcare access, eliminate inequality, empower women, and promote collaborations to provide every woman in the country a fighting chance against breast cancer and effectively combat the rising number of incidences of the disease. Breast cancer is a formidable foe, but united, we can make a difference. If we align our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we ensure that no woman's life is cut short by this devastating disease. In Pakistan and around the world, the fight against breast cancer is not only a matter of health but a moral and societal imperative. Let us work together to turn the tide against breast cancer, promoting a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable world for all.


