Malnutrition in Pakistan: Addressing the Double Burden of Undernutrition and Obesity



Proper nutrition during crucial developmental stages is paramount for child survival, health, and overall growth. Adequately nourished children are better equipped to thrive, excel in learning, contribute positively to society, and exhibit resilience against diseases, disasters, and global challenges. Conversely, inadequate nutrition has far-reaching consequences on health, education, and overall well-being across generations.

Malnutrition is a pressing issue in Pakistan, where the population faces a double burden of under-nutrition and obesity. The prevalence of stunting or under-nutrition and wasting or obesity is alarmingly high, indicating a significant nutritional crisis. While under-nutrition remains a significant problem, the country is also experiencing a rapid increase in obesity rates, particularly among urban populations. This blog examines the causes and consequences of this double burden and explores strategies to address it.

Understanding the Double Burden:


Under-nutrition or Stunting signifies more than just a lack of food; it reflects the insufficiency in both the quantity and quality of the diet, among other contributing factors. Insufficient maternal nutrition during pregnancy stands out as a primary cause of malnutrition in children, ultimately leading to stunting.

  • Despite improvements, under-nutrition remains a major concern in Pakistan, particularly among children under five and pregnant women.
  • Factors contributing to under-nutrition include poverty, food insecurity, inadequate access to healthcare, and poor sanitation.


  • Obesity rates in Pakistan have risen sharply in recent years, driven by changes in diet, lifestyle, and urbanization.
  • Urbanization has led to increased consumption of processed foods high in fats, sugars, and salt, contributing to the obesity epidemic.

Consequences of the Double Burden Health Impacts: 

According to UNICEF Pakistan, nearly 10 million Pakistani children suffer from stunting. The consequences of acute malnutrition are devastating, often resulting in severe wasting, where individuals waste away skin and bones leading to stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Pakistan faces a significant burden of wasting, with several regions of the country reaching emergency levels of this condition. Despite the effectiveness of programs designed to care for and treat severe acute malnutrition in Pakistan, achieving cure rates that surpass global standards, these initiatives only reach less than five percent of the total number of malnourished children.


The prevalence of obesity in Pakistan is a growing concern, with UNICEF statistics indicating a notable rise in recent years. Obesity not only affects physical health but also has significant implications for mental well-being and quality of life. It is associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.

Addressing this issue is crucial to prevent the long-term health complications associated with obesity, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer. Despite the increasing recognition of obesity as a public health priority, effective interventions remain limited in Pakistan. It is imperative to implement comprehensive strategies that promote healthy lifestyles and address the underlying causes of obesity to curb this escalating health issue.

Malnutrition exerts a substantial economic toll on Pakistan, manifesting in increased healthcare expenditures and diminished productivity. However, by effectively addressing malnutrition, Pakistan stands to gain considerable long-term economic advantages, including enhanced productivity and decreased healthcare expenses.

Strategies to Address the Double Burden Promoting Balanced Diets:

  • Encouraging the consumption of diverse, nutrient-rich foods can help address both under-nutrition and obesity.
  • Public education campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of a balanced diet.
  • Improving Access to Healthcare:

a.     Enhancing access to healthcare services, especially in rural areas, can improve nutrition outcomes.

b.     Providing nutrition counseling and support can help individuals make healthier choices.

  • Addressing Food Insecurity:

a.     Addressing poverty and food insecurity is crucial for reducing under-nutrition.

b.     Implementing social safety net programs can help vulnerable populations access nutritious foods.


Addressing the double burden of under-nutrition and obesity in Pakistan requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the underlying causes and promotes healthy lifestyles. By implementing effective strategies, Pakistan can improve the health and well-being of its population and reduce the economic burden of malnutrition.
